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Cosmic Web: Dark Matter Poster

The Cosmic Web: Dark Matter Poster is a captivating image that depicts the vast and intricate structure of the universe. It features a spider's web-like pattern of filaments, composed of both visible and invisible matter, stretching across the cosmos. This intricate network is thought to be the underlying framework of the universe, holding together galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The poster's background is a deep, inky black, symbolizing the vastness of space. The filaments of the cosmic web are portrayed as glowing lines of light, ranging in color from blue to orange, representing the different temperatures of the matter they contain. Galaxies, represented as bright points of light, are scattered along the filaments, like jewels adorning a cosmic necklace. The poster's tagline, "Something Else Is Out There," hints at the mystery of dark matter, the invisible substance that makes up about 85% of the universe's matter. Dark matter's presence is inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, but its exact nature remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of cosmology. Overall, the Cosmic Web: Dark Matter Poster is a visually stunning and thought-provoking representation of the universe's hidden structure. It serves as a reminder of the vastness and complexity of the cosmos, and the mysteries that still await us in the depths of space.
Cosmic Web: Dark Matter Poster
Cosmic Web: Dark Matter Poster



Starry Sky
Cosmic Web: Dark Matter Poster
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