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💫 Loose Figure

📏1/18 Scale / 3.75" Scale 

📦 Combined Shipping...Always

Includes: Loose Droid Action Figure

Character Description:

Beep-boop, fellow Star Wars enthusiasts! Let's embark on a galactic journey to explore one of the most beloved droids in the Star Wars universe - the astromech extraordinaire, R2-D2! This little droid has rolled his way into our hearts faster than the Millennium Falcon making the Kessel Run. So, power up your holocrons and let's dive into the wonderful world of Artoo!


  • Appearance: A small, cylindrical droid with a domed head, standing at about 3.1 feet tall.
  • Color Scheme: Primarily white with blue accents, giving him that classic "good guy" look.
  • Versatility: Equipped with numerous tools and gadgets hidden within his compact frame.
  • Durability: Built to withstand the harsh conditions of space travel and combat situations.


  • Loyal: Artoo's dedication to his friends and allies is stronger than Beskar steel!
  • Brave: This little droid fears nothing, not even a Death Star trench run.
  • Sassy: Despite communicating in beeps and whistles, R2-D2 has a distinctly cheeky personality.
  • Resourceful: Always ready with a solution, whether it's repairing a hyperdrive or delivering a secret message.
  • Determined: Once R2 sets his mind to a task, not even a Sarlacc pit could stop him!

Roles in the Star Wars Universe:

  • Astromech Droid: Primary function as a starship mechanic and navigation assistant.
  • Hero's Sidekick: Faithful companion to Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and Poe Dameron.
  • Secret Keeper: Often entrusted with crucial information vital to the Rebel Alliance/Resistance.
  • Unlikely Savior: Frequently saves the day with his array of tools and quick thinking.
  • Comic Relief: Provides moments of levity with his antics and interactions with C-3PO.

R2-D2 is more than just a droid; he's a true hero of the Rebellion and a shining example of how even the smallest among us can make a big difference in the galaxy. Whether he's navigating an X-wing through an asteroid field or outsmarting Imperial forces, Artoo proves time and time again that he's got more tricks up his cylindrical sleeve than a Coruscant magician!

So, the next time you're sorting through your vintage Star Wars collection, give a little extra love to any R2-D2 figures you come across. After all, without this plucky little astromech, the galaxy far, far away wouldn't be nearly as bright or beep-boopy!

May the Force be with you, and may your batteries never run low!

Loose Figures:

Free from their packaging, ready for adventure like Han without his carbonite!

Accessories limited to what's shown in the images.

Remember, space cadets, we stock multiple units of each item. The collectible you receive will be in condition equal to or better than what our Go Figment photographer captured - that's a Wookiee Promise!

Our commitment to quality is stronger than a Mandalorian's armor, and your satisfaction is our prime directive. May the Force of collecting be with you as you explore our galaxy of Star Wars treasures!

PZ-4CO Star Wars Forcelink✨ Force Link 3.75 Action Figure
