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The Empire Stikes Back



The Empire Stikes Back
The Empire Stikes Back
The Empire Stikes Back
The Empire Stikes Back
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During a training session aboard the Millennium Falcon, Luke Skywalker experiences a profound and mysterious trance. As Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca steer the Falcon towards medical assistance, they come across the wreckage of a merchant ship belonging to the House of Tagge. To their surprise, they encounter a surviving Rebel soldier who reveals that the Tagge ship was actually assaulted by Imperial forces but made it appear as if the Rebels were responsible for its destruction. Commander Strom's Imperial Cruiser arrives on the scene with the intention of capturing the Falcon and its crew. However, Han skillfully guides their escape to the relative safety of a place called the Wheel. Determined to capture the Rebels, Strom dispatches his troops to pursue them. But before long, Simon Greyshade, the administrator of the Wheel, contacts Strom and reminds him that the Empire is not allowed to interfere with their affairs. In an attempt to justify his actions, Strom falsely accuses the Rebels of attacking the House of Tagge ship, which was transporting profits from the Wheel. Reluctantly, Greyshade grants permission for the Imperials to descend to the lower levels of the Wheel in their pursuit of the Rebels.

The Empire Stikes Back
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